This is a page from my new graphic novel, STONE COLD: THE STONE MAN MYSTERIES, BOOK ONE, written by the New York Times best selling author Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple. The graphic novel is published by The Lerner Publishing Group.
To purchase the graphic novel at, please visit the following link:
Also, if you are interested, here are some excerpts and links of some reviews:
“Zangara mirrors the text with fittingly moody black-and-white panels that depict dark and intricate city skylines, expressive character close-ups, shadowy spreads, and slanted, rain-filled backgrounds…“
“Zangara’s black and white drawings fit the brooding and menacing mood of this story, and the detail and nuance within his artwork encourage multiple readings to notice its subtleties…”
“This atmospheric story unfolds with suspense and beautifully detailed artwork by Orion Zangara.”